Constant power solar calculations for different cities

Our calculators use hourly typical meteorological year (TMY) data from NREL.

Data from TMY is for a 1 year period. The collection of this data is over many years.

What can you use this calculator for?

I created this calculator to measure the power needed for the solar security cameras. 

It can also be used for

  • Internet hotspots
  • Traffic management
  • Communication devices
  • Weather stations
  • 40 km and 60 km speed limit zones such as schools and busy roads

Then I wanted to know if I would need a different system for Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart. The answer is yes.



About the calculator

Creating a calculator for a location is a time consuming process. 

There are a lot of variables to consider such as:

  • Solar data calculated per hour basis 
  • Night length
  • Solar panel orientation (north, north-east, east etc)
  • Solar power usable hours during the day.
  • Solar panel tilt, as a quick rule +15° on locations latitude
  • Solar panel size
  • Battery size
  • LED size

Example Solar security camera

At Solar Street Lights Australia, we have built Solar Security Cameras.

The cameras use as little as 5.5W which makes them very efficient. 

However even with such low power consumption the solar panel system and battery have to be large to get through the night during winter.


80w solar security camera front side view